Monday, December 19, 2005

ever since i was a child, till this very date, everytime i meet somebody new, the first question i'm asked is "do you sing as well?"...and everytime,i reply in the negative with my usual false smile pasted on my face. truth is...i've always wanted to learn to sing. it's just that...people, (assuming that i'll do it as part of some tradition) piss me off.
but, yesterday,as i sat in that hall/chapel and heard the college choir, my old desire to learn music, came back with a bang! i have made up my mind to join the choir asap. it was the nicest thing that i'd heard in a very long time and bertie da silva (literally) took my breath away! it was PHENOMENAL!....and for those of you who werent there for me guys, you dont wanna miss it next time.
well anyway, nandini and i behaved like two starry-eyed thirteen year olds, when we went up to talk to bertie! o, and i was nice to christina as well!
the next part of the evening was..umm...well...bizarre. i dont really know what to say about recollection of it is rather hazy. i just want to apologize to the parties concerned for any embarrassment that i might have caused.
on a brighter note, i met some of my oldest friends after a very long time. we had fun in spite of me!
jaihok...i gotta go now...more later.


Blogger rukmini said...

"You have to be yourself. Be very honest about who and what you are. And if people still like you, that's fine. If they don't that's their problem!"
~ Sting (& Chiku) ;)

4:10 AM  
Blogger Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

Hey Christina wanted you to sing. That's nice. You should. And don't worry about episodes in yaya land. We've all been there, so big whoop.

7:46 AM  
Blogger The Absolutist said...

NOW she gets the point!

11:57 AM  
Blogger The Nutty Pea said...

o well...

1:13 AM  
Blogger Vatsala said...

hey this is someone from the choir...nice to c, you liked it...gud ol' berts thought we werent prepared to go onstage...this was major enthu from the first yrs, the pianist and a few more...that took us all the way thru the show...and some even thought we were better than last yr...choir's amazing..just incredible dedication and the only wish to sing sing all it takes...and oh yeah...a lil bit of info..we frst yrs'v started loving Christina becoz of the me, she's a sweetheart outside class...

10:14 AM  
Blogger The Nutty Pea said...

dude...i'm gonna agree with everything you said till the part about christina...i cannot for the life of me bring myself to call her a "sweetheart"....but hey,...i'm glad that atleast our juniors are getting along with her.

12:11 AM  

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